Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Savory Egg Cream on Toast

Savory Egg Cream on Toast

Ingredient (for 4 )

-4 eggs, yolks separated from whites,
whiles stiffly beaten

-30 g butter

-15g flour

-15 cl double cream

- 8cl milk

salt and pepper

cayenne pepper

-1 tsp chopped mixed parsley, tarragon and chervil

-4 slices bread, toasted

Step by step

1. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the flour and let it cook a
little. Stir in the cream and milk and simmer, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens-about 10 minutes taking care that it does not burn or curdle.
2. Mix the egg yolks with the sauce, and season it with salt,
pepper and cayenne. Fold in the egg whites with the herbs.
3. Put the mixture on to the slices of toast, heaping it up; smooth
over with the blade of a knife. Put into an oven preheated to
220 o C (425 o F ) until of a golden color-about 10 minutes--dish up, and serve quickly.


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Swiss Chard Omelette

Swiss Chard Omelette
As a variation, you may add a few spinach leaves to the chard.

Ingredient (for 4)
- 8 eggs, beaten
-About l0 Swiss chard leaves
- 40 g butter
- ½ garlic clove
- 60g Gruyere cheese, gratedsalt and pepper

Step by step
1. Heat 15 g (1/2 oz) of the butter and gently cook the chard leavesin it for 10 minutes. Roughly chop them with the garlic.
2. Add the cheese, salt and pepper to the leaves, and mix this with theeggs.
3. Melt the remaining butter in a frying pan, pour in theegg mixture, and cook the omelet for about 5 minutes oruntil it has set but is still creamy in the middle.
4. Fold the omelets as you slide it from the pan.


Friday, September 4, 2009

Cannes Omelette

Cannes Omelette
Ingredient (for 2 )
- 4 eggs
-160 g onion, finely sliced
-5 tbsp olive oil
- 800 g Swiss chord leaves, ribs removed, coarsely chopped
thyme flowers or dried thyme
-1 tbsp chopped parsley
- 2 tbsp grated Parmesan cheese
- 6 basil leaves, chopped (optional)
garlic clove, crushed
salt and pepper
-1 tbsp fresh breadcrumbs

Step by step
1. Put the onion in a 2 liter saucepanwith2 tablespoonsof the oil.
2. Cook for about 5 minutes or until the onion istransparent.
3. Add the chard and cook for about 20 minutesmore, so that the water contained in the chard evaporatescompletely.
4. Drain the onion and chard on absorbent paper.Beat the eggs with a pinch of thyme flowers or dried thyme,the parsley, grated Parmesan, chopped basil if used, and thegarlic.
5. Season with salt and pepper. Add the onion and chard,and mix thoroughly.
6. Heat the remaining oil in a 20 cm (8 inch) frying pan over amedium heat. Pour in the egg mixture. Stir with a fork, thencook over a low heat, without stirring, until the omelette isset.
7. Sprinkle with the breadcrumbs.
8. Put the plate upside down over the pan, turn the pan and plate together so that theomelette falls out on to the plate, and slide the omelette backinto the pan.
9. Cook for 2 to 3 minutes more. Reverse theomelette on to the plate again, and serve.

Source : Roger Verge Cuisine of the sun

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Lyons Onion Omelette

Lyons Onion Omelette

Ingredient (for 4 )
- 8 eggs, beaten with 4 tbsp water
- 2 onions, finely sliced
- 2 tbsp chopped parsley- 45 g buttersalt and pepper
-4 tbsp vinegar

Step by step
1. Heat the butter in a large omelette pan on a low heat and in itbrown the onions, mixed with the parsley.
2. Season them with salt and pepper, then pour the eggs over the onion mixtureand cook the omelette until the underneath is brown and thetop almost set.
3. Turn it like a pancake, cook for another minute, and transfer it to a warm serving dish.
4. Add the vinegar to the hot pan, bring it quickly to the boil,and sprinkle it over the omelette just before serving.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Parsley and Anchovy Omelefte

Parsley and Anchovy Omelefte

Ingredient (for 2 )
- 4 eggs, beaten
- 2 tbsp chopped parsley- 1 anchovy, choppedsalt and pepper
- 15 g butter
-2 tbsp oil

Step by step
1. Season the eggs with salt and pepper, and mix in the parsleyand anchovy.
2. Heat the butter and oil in a frying pan and, when hot, pour in the eggs.
3. When the eggs are set, tilt the pan and fold the omelette by letting it roll forward.
4. It should still be creamy in the centre.


Monday, August 31, 2009

Asparagus Omelette

Asparagus Omelette

Ingredient (for 4 )
- 8 eggs, beaten - 300 g asparagus, trimmed and cut into pea-sized pieces
- 100 g butter
-1 tbsp flour
salt and pepper
-1 tbsp chopped parsley
-2or3 chopped Welsh or spring onions
-15 cl double cream

Step by step
1.Heat half the butter and stir in the flour.
2 Add the asparagus ,salt, pepper, parsley and the Welsh or spring onions.
3. Cook gently for about 10 minutes or until the asparagus is tender but still firm, then stir in the cream, bring to the boil and remove from the heat.
4. Heat the remaining butter in a frying pan. Mix the eggswell into the asparagus.
5. Pour the mixture into the frying panand cook it for about 3 to 4 minutes, until brown on the bottom
6. Reverse it on to a warmed plate for serving, or place under aGrill for a minute or two if desired to set the top before serve


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Spinach Omelette

Spinach Omelefie

Ingredient (for 4 )
- 8 eggs, beaten
- 60 g Swiss chard leaves, chopped
- 60g spinach, chopped
- 6 tbsp olive oil
-30 g Parmesan cheese, grated
-1 tbsp chopped parsley
-1 tbsp chopped basil
-1 tbsp garlic cloves, chopped

Step by step
1.Cook the chard and spinach in half the olive oil until the oilscompletely absorbed.

2. Cool the mixture slightly, and add it tothe eggs with the cheese, parsley, basil and garlic.

3. Heat the remaining oil in a 20 cm (8 inch) frying pan thatwill make an omelette two fingers thick.

4. Pour in the beaten egg mixture and cook over a medium heat for 10 minutes oruntil the omelette is set.


Sunday, August 23, 2009

Leek Omelette

Leek Omelette

Ingredient (for 4 )
-8 eggs
- 4 or 5 leeks, white ports only
salt and pepper
-30 g butter
- 2 tbsp double cream or crème fraiche

Step by step
1. Cook the leeks in 15 cl (l pint) of water for 10 minutes.
2. Drain the leeks, reserving the cooking liquid, and chop them finely.
3. Boil the reserved liquid until it is reduced by half.
4. Beat the eggs with salt, pepper, and 1 tablespoon of thereduced liquid.
5. Melt the butter in a large omelette pan.
6. When the butter is hot, pour in the beaten eggs and allow to set.
7. Stir the cream into the chopped leeks, spread this mixture downthe centre of the omelette, and fold the omelette over the leeksjust before you turn it out of the pan.


Yolk steamed fresh milk.

Yolk steamed fresh milk.


*1 / 2 Yolk

*mash pumpkin pulp 1 tablespoon

*Fresh milk 1 / 2 cup

Step by step
1.Beaten yolk, pumpkin and fresh milk together.
2.steamed until cooked.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Pumpkin with mashed yolk

Pumpkin with mashed yolk


* slide little pumpkin 2 tablespoon

*1 / 4 Cooked mash yolk.

* fresh milk 1 tablespoon

Step by step

1. Steam or boil the pumpkin until soft and then use behind spoon mashed until mushy.

2. mixed mashed pumpkin yolk and fresh milk together and boiling again.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Sorrel Omelette

Sorrel Omelette
This is the real sorrel omelette as it is done in that southern part of France where food is of the best. No omelette done with cooked sorrel can compare with it.

Ingredient To serve 2
- 4 eggs, beaten with salt and pepper
- 100 g ,fresh young sorrel leaves, stalks and middle ribs removed, finely cut with a knife
- ½ garlic clove, chopped
- 1 tbsp chopped chervil
- 30 g butter

Step by step
1. Mix the sorrel with your egg.
2. Add the garlic and chervil.
3. Melt the butter in an omelette pan.
4. Pour in the eggs and allow them to set.
5. The omelette should be made rather thick so that, the inside being less cooked
6. The sorrel which is there remains almost.
7. This gives the omelette a peculiar acid taste, extremely pleasant and fresh.

Soure: X. Marcel Boulestin, Simple French cooking for English homes

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Lettuce Omelette

Lettuce Omelette

Ingredient to serve 2
- 4 eggs, beaten
- 1 small lettuce, coarsely sliced
- 30 g. butter
- Salt and pepper
- 4 tbsp white sauce

Step by step

1. Sauté the lettuce in half of the butter until softened.

2. Season it with salt and pepper and combine it with the white sauce.

3. Melt the remaining butter in an omelette pan.

4. Pour in the eggs and let them cook until almost set,

5. Put the lettuce filling into the centre of the omelette

6. Fold it over and serve.

Source : Narcissa Chamberlain, the omelette book

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Yolk and tofu.

Yolk & tofu.


soft Tofu chipping small 1 tablespoon

1 / 4 Cooked yolk.

soup ½ cup

Step by step
1 set the soup until hot then put the soft tofu.
2 put yolk boiled until cooked and then lay down.
3 used behind spoon mashed until mushy.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Mashed rice with spinach and yolk

Mashed rice with spinach and yolk


  • Cooked rice 2 tablespoon

  • Slide spinach 10-12 leaves

  • ½ Cooked yolk.

  • soup ½ cup

Step by step

1. Put the soup on a stove until hot.

2. Put cooked rice and spinach boiled until vegetable soft and rice mashed.

3. Put yolk , mix it together.

4. use behind spoon mashed until mushy.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Yolk cream soup

Yolk cream soup


1. Boundless bread 1 sheet

2. 1 / 4 Cooked mash yolk.

3. fresh milk 1 tablespoon

4. soup 1 cup

step by step

1. boiling bread with soup and mash them.

2. Put the yolk , mix it .

3. When cooked , put fresh milk , mix it and lay down.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Mashed Rice with yolk

Mashed Rice with yolk

Soft cooked rice 2 tablespoon

1 / 4 Cooked yolk.


Step by step
1. mixed yolk with rice, put little soup together .
2. Sraping them through sieve

Friday, August 7, 2009

Ham, egg rollers

Ham, egg rollers


1.Egg 1 egg

2.Ham 1 sheet

3. Gareiss or the fresh butter, 1 tablespoon

4. 1 tablespoon vegetable oil.


1.Take beaten eggs and put into dish.

2. Set pan put oil around the pan to grease, eggs, hot enough to get a plate when cooked.

3. Melted butter or Gareiss in a pan fried ham dip cooked enough.

4. Place the eggs, ham curl, tense Split a piece short.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Deep Frying Egg

Deep Frying : High Heat for Crisped Whites
Immersed in hot oil, eggs cook rapidly-inabout a minute. The operation is a delicate one that makes it impractical to deepfry more than one egg at a time. Becauseof the relatively high heat involved, thewhite must be folded around the yolk assoon as the egg is immersed in the oil.Neutrally flavored vegetable oils-peanut or corn oil, for example-- willleave the egg's own taste unimpaired ;butyou may prefer olive oil, which imparts itsown distinctive, fruity savour. Butter isnot suitable, since it burns at the hightemperature required for deep frying.The oil should be sizzling hot when theegg is added; test it, if you wish,-by dropping in a small Piece of bread, whichshould brown almost at once. If parts ofthe white are not completely submergedafter the egg has been folded, baste themwith spoonful of hot oil so that they cookevenly with the rest of the egg.When the white is crisp and starting tobrown, the egg is ready. It can be served asit is, seasoned with salt and pepper.
Step by step

1. Setting the white. In o deep-sided pan, heat I cm (l/2 inch) of oil untilit is hot but not smoking. Break on egg into the oil, then immediatelytilt the pan to immerse the egg in a well of oil. With a spoon, ease the exposed white away from the base of the pan. Gently fold the white over the yolk to enclose the yolk between two touching in layers of white. The white will protect the yolk from the oil’s heat and prevent it from overcooking.

2. Draining the egg. When the white appears firm and start to brown, lift the egg out of the oil with a perforate spoon. Allow excess oil to drain from the egg into the pan, then set the egg on paper towels, Use more towels to blat any remaining oil from the egg’s top.

3. Serving the egg.Season the egg to taste and serve at once-in this case, on a Slice of bread that has been buttered on one side and crisped in a hot oven, if you like, garnish the egg with springs of parsley that have been fried for a few seconds in the oil used to cook the egg and then drained on paper towels.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Turn eggs with a Simple Sauce

Turn eggs with a Simple Sauce

1. Add the egg to the pan.
Melt butter over a low heat until it starts to foam. Break an egg into the hot butter. Break the egg on to a small dish and slide into the pa. Allow the egg to cook until the underside set-about 1 minute.

2. Turning the egg over.
Slide a spatula under the egg so as to support the yolk and as much as possible of the white. Raise the spatula a little, then turn it over sideways so that the egg slips back into the pan, yolk side downwards.

3. Tipping out the egg.
Cook the egg for a few seconds more to allow the white around the yolk to set, then take the pan off the heat. Tilt the pan to slide the egg out on to a warmed plate.

4. Making a pan-juice sauce.
Turn up the heat slightly, Melt a little more butter in the frying pan; when it foam, add a dash of vinegar. Stir the butter and vinegar mixture for a few seconds, then pour it over the egg. Serve at once.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Reflecting Heart With a Pad Lid

Reflecting Heart With a Pad Lid

1. Breaking the eggs.
Over a low to medium heat, warm sufficient butter in a frying pan to cover the bottom of the pan generously. As soon as the butter melts, break into the pan as many eggs as it will hold easily-up to four eggs in a pan.

2. Basting the eggs.
Once all the eggs have been added, till the pan slightly and use spoon to collect the fat that runs to the lower side. Baste the tops of the eggs with the hot fat two or three times to start them cooking. If the pan is completely filled with eggs, it may be difficult to collect the fat; in that case, melt some butter in a separate pan and use it for basting.

3. Covering the pan.
To Set the thick layer of white surrounding each yolk, cover the pan with a tight-fitting lid to reflect heat on to the tops of the eggs, After about 1 minute, remove the lid, The eggs are ready as soon as the whites area set; the yolk should remain soft and glistening.

4. Serving the eggs.
Take the pan off the heat. Gently shake the pan to free the eggs, then carefully tilt it to slide the eggs on to a warmed plate. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

The basic method of Egg Cooking

Whether fried, boiled, poached or baked, whole eggs-those that are notbeaten before cooking-share a need for gentle heat. Low temperatureskeep the whites creamy and the yolks moist, whereas high temperaturesturn the whites rubbery and risk firming up the yolks. Otherwise, thecooking methods have little in common; each one makes different demands on the judgement of the cook.

When eggs are shallow fried in a thin layer of butter or oil, the object isto set the tops and undersides simultaneously, This canbe aceomplishedby finishing the eggs under a lid, which reflects heat down ontotheuppersurfaces. Alternativeiy, the eggs can be turned, either with aspatula or else by tossing them, as in the illustration opposite. A variationof shallow frying is to set the undersides in meltedbutter onthestovetop,and then to transfer the eggs to the oven to finish cooking-a methodknown as "shirring".

In deeper oil or fat, the problern of uneven cooking is solved by immer-sing the egg entirely. The skill of deep frying lies in folding the whiteneatlyround the yolk to protect the yolk from overcooking (page 22).Boiling differs from other techniques in that the eggs remain in theirshells and the cooking process is concealed. Because of this, accuratetiming is essential for satisfactory results; the cooking time may varyfrom 3 minutes-for an egg to be eaten from the shell -to the 10to 12 minutes required for a hard-boiled egg .

Eggs that are poached---cooked in hot liquid without the protection oftheir shells-should be kept below a simmer; the agitation of boilingwater would distort their shape. The best way to control the temperatureis to bring the water to the boil then turn off the heat before adding theeggs. Covered with a lid, the pan and its contents retain enough heat topoach the eggs in a few minutes.Poachonly the freshest eggs;the whites will cling of their own accord to well-centred yolks.

Shaping is less of a problem when eggs are baked because the eggs arecooked in containers---often small, individual-sized dishes known asramekins or cocottes. One advantage of this method is that other ingredi-ents, such as vegetable pur6es, can be cooked in the same dish as the eggs.Although baked eggs are often cooked in the oven, eggs in ramekins canequallywell be prepared on the stove top in a bain-marie.