Thursday, August 6, 2009

Deep Frying Egg

Deep Frying : High Heat for Crisped Whites
Immersed in hot oil, eggs cook rapidly-inabout a minute. The operation is a delicate one that makes it impractical to deepfry more than one egg at a time. Becauseof the relatively high heat involved, thewhite must be folded around the yolk assoon as the egg is immersed in the oil.Neutrally flavored vegetable oils-peanut or corn oil, for example-- willleave the egg's own taste unimpaired ;butyou may prefer olive oil, which imparts itsown distinctive, fruity savour. Butter isnot suitable, since it burns at the hightemperature required for deep frying.The oil should be sizzling hot when theegg is added; test it, if you wish,-by dropping in a small Piece of bread, whichshould brown almost at once. If parts ofthe white are not completely submergedafter the egg has been folded, baste themwith spoonful of hot oil so that they cookevenly with the rest of the egg.When the white is crisp and starting tobrown, the egg is ready. It can be served asit is, seasoned with salt and pepper.
Step by step

1. Setting the white. In o deep-sided pan, heat I cm (l/2 inch) of oil untilit is hot but not smoking. Break on egg into the oil, then immediatelytilt the pan to immerse the egg in a well of oil. With a spoon, ease the exposed white away from the base of the pan. Gently fold the white over the yolk to enclose the yolk between two touching in layers of white. The white will protect the yolk from the oil’s heat and prevent it from overcooking.

2. Draining the egg. When the white appears firm and start to brown, lift the egg out of the oil with a perforate spoon. Allow excess oil to drain from the egg into the pan, then set the egg on paper towels, Use more towels to blat any remaining oil from the egg’s top.

3. Serving the egg.Season the egg to taste and serve at once-in this case, on a Slice of bread that has been buttered on one side and crisped in a hot oven, if you like, garnish the egg with springs of parsley that have been fried for a few seconds in the oil used to cook the egg and then drained on paper towels.

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